Tuesday, March 18, 2008

CDVE2008 full paper deadline April 1 ...Mallorca, Sept. 2008

CDVE2008 call for papers, call for reviewers, call for sponsors, call
for exhibitors: http://www.cdve.org.

The 5th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization
and Engineering (CDVE2008)
September 21-25, 2008, Mallorca, Spain

The conference proceedings will be published again by Springer Verlag
in its LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer
Science). The accepted papers will be indexed by ISI Proceedings list
which is part of their Web of Knowledge,
EI, ACM Portal, DBLP, ZBlMath/CompuServe, IO-Port, Scopus, INSPEC, etc.

You are welcome to send this call for papers to the mailing lists you
belong to and any people working in the area that may be interested in
publishing their results in a high level publication. You can add a
link in your own page or your organization' s web page to the
conference website.

Deadlines and important dates:

Full Paper submission April 1, 2008
Notification of acceptance May 15, 2008
Final camera ready paper due June 15, 2008
Registration for accepted paper authors: June 30, 2008
Early registration July 31, 2008
Sept 21-25 2008: CDVE2008 conference in Mallorca, Spain

We expect your response to all these calls. You can contact
cdve2008@uib.es for any information you need or to send your suggestions.

Will be our pleasure to see you all in CDVE2008 in Mallorca, Spain!

Segundo llamado - JAR08

Hola compañeros,
Por si interesa.
Cordiales saludos.

*Segundo llamado a Presentación de Trabajos - JAR08*

/Estimados colegas, estudiantes y amigos: /

Tenemos el agrado de dirigirnos a Uds. para invitarlos a participar de
las*/ /**/V Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica (JAR08)/**/,/* que se
realizará entre los días 12 y 14 de noviembre de 2008 en la Universidad
Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

El propósito de las JAR08 es promover la investigación y el desarrollo
en robótica en la Argentina como así también la integración de la
comunidad científica del país y la región interesada en dicha
especialidad. Desde el año 2000 se han organizado cuatro jornadas que
tuvieron lugar en dos ciudades importantes como son San Juan y Córdoba.
En la última oportunidad, se presentaron 30 trabajos y asistieron más de
120 colegas provenientes en su mayoría de Argentina, Brasil y Chile.

Las jornadas se desarrollan principalmente a través de presentaciones
orales de los trabajos aceptados. En esta oportunidad se prevé la
realización de una sesión especial de Inteligencia Computacional en
Robótica y la organización de sesiones plenarias a cargo de destacados
profesionales en las áreas de interés de la reunión.

*Temas de Interés (no excluyentes):*

- Actuadores

- Cinemática y dinámica

- Control de movimiento y fuerza

- Humanoides

- Inteligencia artificial

- Interacción hombre-robot

- Interfaces

- Localización y construcción de mapas

- Manipuladores robóticos y manipulación

- Modelado, identificación y control

- Planificación de movimientos

- Robótica móvil y de campo

- Sensores: modelado, fusión de datos, percepción

- Simulación

- Sistemas de eventos discretos

- Sistemas de manufactura

- Sistemas de tiempo real

- Sistemas multirobot

- Teleoperación

- Desarrollos y aplicaciones relacionadas

*_ _*

*Fechas importantes:*

Recepción de Trabajos: *15/03/2008* al *15/04/2008.*

Notificación de aceptación: *01/08/2008.*

Recepción de Trabajos Definitivos: *01/09/2008.*

*_ _*

* *

*Envío de Trabajos*

En esta edición de las Jornadas se contemplarán dos categorías de trabajos:

_Trabajos regulares_: describen resultados originales que no han sido
publicados aún y que se enmarcan dentro de las temáticas propuestas por
las Jornadas.

Deberán presentarse en un archivo PDF y no deberán exceder las 6
páginas. El envío será electrónico a través de la página

http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jar08 provista por el sistema
EasyChair <http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ab2008comm>.

Los mismos serán sujetos a proceso de revisión y la versión final de los
trabajos aceptados será publicada en el CD de las Jornadas.

_Comunicaciones_: describen iniciativas, proyectos, ideas, aplicaciones,
investigaciones, etc. que por encontrarse en etapas de desarrollo y/o
evaluación no resultan suficientes para formalizarse en un "trabajo
regular" pero que su divulgación y discusión puede despertar el interés
de los asistentes.

Deberá presentarse un resumen de no más de 2 páginas en formato PDF. Los
mismos se enviarán directamente a la dirección de email de las JAR'08
(jar08@uns.edu.ar <mailto:jar08@uns.edu.ar>) para su consideración. Las
comunicaciones se expondrán en forma oral bajo las mismas condiciones
que los trabajos regulares. El resumen será publicado en el CD de las
Jornadas en la modalidad "comunicación sin referato".

* *

Tanto los trabajos regulares como los resúmenes deberán prepararse
siguiendo las instrucciones que se detallan en la página web de las
jornadas http://lcr.uns.edu.ar/jar08. Dicha información pueden también
solicitarse por e-mail o correo postal a la comisión organizadora.


El idioma oficial de las Jornadas será el *español*, aunque también se
admitirán trabajos en *inglés*.

*/ /*

Los saluda muy cordialmente,

Comité Organizador

V Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras

Universidad Nacional del Sur

Avda Alem 1253, B8000CPB Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Email: jar08@uns.edu.ar <mailto:jar08@uns.edu.ar>

Web: http://lcr.uns.edu.ar/jar08

IEEE R8: Professional Training Course - Advanced Industrial Control (IAS & CSS of Spain)

Join us for our first event and featured professional training event
of 2008! As with our SAICA 2007 seminar, we will be hosting IEEE members from
across Region 8, so in addition to learning about advanced industrial control
methodologies, you can expect to network with a truly international group of
course participants from across the EMEA area. The course will be taught in
English and we are proud to also host key note speaker Senior Member Dr. Pilar
Molina Gaudo, professor at the University of Zaragoza. Dr. Molina Gaudo will
be the featured speaker at the dinner to be held on the evening of 26th.

Key Information: 26-27 March, 2008/Madrid/Discounted IEEE Pricing
Included: 2-Day Intensive Training Course, Software Evaluation Pack,
Breakfasts, Lunches and Featured Speaker Dinner on 26 March.
Audience: Engineering and Technical Professionals Involved in Industrial
Control and Optimization, Professors and Graduate Students of Industrial

Key Links

Learn more about the event on the R8 Web Page:

Check Out the Chapter Web Site and Sign-Up for the Course:


Learn More About Our Last International Event:
1) The Official SAICA 2007 Debrief

2) Coverage in The Institute

Dr. Molina Gaudo's profile can be viewed in the "Meet Our Members" profile box

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Exclusive Webcast from Ansoft and EDN

You are receiving this email as a subscriber to an EDN enewsletter.  For customer support or to stop receiving
 future promotional offers from EDN, please scroll to the bottom for instructions.

Please register today for this exclusive Webcast

New Technology for Rapid and Accurate Simulation of Multi-Gigabit Serial Channels

Thursday, March 20, 2008
11:00 am PT/2:00 pm ET
Duration: 60 minutes (including Q&A)
Sponsored by Ansoft Corp., hosted by EDN


Modern electronic products use multi-Gigabit serial links to move large quantities of digital data across today’s telecommunication, high-definition video, gaming, and data storage systems. Engineers designing links such as 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 8.5 Gb/s Fibre Channel, InfiniBand, and PCI Express 3.0 demand accurate channel simulation and modeling to maintain stringent signal quality, jitter and bit error ratio (BER) performance.

When verifying the low BER’s required by the multi-Gigabit protocols, traditional transient simulation techniques are at odds with the design cycle compression being driven by today’s tight time-to-market windows. There simply isn’t enough time to push the number of bits needed with robust sampling to derive meaningful BER results. Statistical methods are emerging that allow engineers to rapidly predict channel level performance with eye diagram plots and BER curves.

This one-hour Web seminar introduces two new simulation technologies, a fast transient and a statistical tool, that are now included in Ansoft’s circuit simulation engine, Nexxim. The fast transient tool uses long, user defined bit patterns to produce an eye diagram. This analysis allows engineers to create controlled stress tests and to identify specific bit sequences that cause bit errors. The statistical tool produces both eye diagram plots and BER curves for complete high-speed channels in minutes. Because these technologies link to full-wave electromagnetic field solvers and a high capacity circuit simulation engine, accuracy is not sacrificed for the improved simulation speed.

After a brief introduction to the tools and the presentation of comparative performance data, two channel examples will be demonstrated. The first channel will serve to highlight the general capabilities of the simulation technologies. The second will demonstrate the use of the tool in the pre-layout design of a serialized/de-serialized (SerDes) channel with equalization developed for IBM’s next generation BladeServer backplane.

Eldon Staggs,
Senior Applications Engineer, Ansoft Corporation

Eldon specializes in high-frequency and high-speed circuit and system design. He works with Ansoft’s top tier customers on their serial interconnect designs, RF microwave circuits, and wireless communication systems. He has over 15 years design experience and is an expert in system, RF, analog, and digital engineering for electronic warfare and electronic intelligence systems. He earned his BSEE from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, and his MSEE from the University of California at San Diego.



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

NOMS 2008: Register Today & Save


NOMS 2008 - 7-11 April 2008 - Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

Registration:   (Register by Monday, 17 March and save!)

Program Highlights:
Distinguished Keynote & Plenary Speakers

Program At A Glance:
   * Short Papers / Posters
   * Panels
   * Software Tools
   * Dissertation Digest
   * Application Papers
   * Tutorials
   * Workshops
Bahia Hotel, located in a privileged position in a beach of the city of Salvador da Bahia, northeast of Brazil.
Hotel Pestana Bahia is accepting room reservation at special rates for NOMS attendees, and even better rates for students.
Please go to the accommodation page for more information:

Please check to see if you need a visa.

We look forward to seeing you in Brazil!

Last Call for Papers/Abstracts

Last Call for Papers/Abstracts and Invited Sessions Proposals for CITSA 2008, (Orlando, Florida, USA. June 29th- July 2nd, 2008) http://www.infocybereng.org/citsa2008

Papers/Abstracts Submissions and Invited Sessions Proposal: April 2nd, 2008
Authors Notification: May 3rd, 2008
Camera-ready, full papers: May 22nd, 2008

All Submitted papers will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the conference, as well as those to be selected for their publication in JSCI Journal.

Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers/abstracts, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors may not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.

The registration fee of effective invited session organizers will be waived and they will receive at the registration desk, for free, 1) a package of 4 DVDs and one CD containing the 6-hour tutorial "Fundamentals and History of Cybernetics: Development of the Theory of Complex Adaptive Systems" and 2) a second 4-DVDs/1-CD package 6-hours tutorial titled "Cybernetic Management". The market price of each of these packages is US $ 295. Twelve more benefits for invited session organizers are listed at CITSA 2008 web page.

For submissions or Invited Sessions Proposals, please go to the web site: http://www.infocybereng.org/citsa2008/organizer.asp

Authors of the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.

Each session to be included in the conference program will have corresponding electronic pre-conference and post-conference sessions for 15 days each. In the electronic pre-conference sessions authors will have access to the papers to be presented at their session and to an associated electronic forum, so they can be better prepared for their conference face-to-face session. Similarly, electronic post-conference sessions will complement and support a follow-up of the respective conference sessions, via an electronic forum and the possibility of evaluating papers presented at the associated session. These evaluations will also support the selection process for the papers to be published in JSCI journal.

Best regards,

CITSA 2008 Secretariat

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to citsa.remove@mail.infocybereng.org with REMOVE MLCITSA in the subject line. Address: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

[isvlsi] ISVLSI in Montpellier, France, April 7-9 2008 - Call for participation

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call


April 7-9, 2008

Montpellier, France



Final Programme available!!





Early Registration Deadline: March 15th, 2008



This Symposium explores emerging trends, novel ideas and concepts in the area of VLSI. The Symposium covers a range of topics: from VLSI circuits, systems, and design methods to system level design and system-on-chip issues, to bringing VLSI experience to new areas and technologies.

Future design methodologies will also be one of the key topics at the workshop, as well as new CAD tools to support them. For almost two decades, the Symposium has been a unique forum promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches in the area of VLSI.

It brings together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industry, and has established a reputation in inviting well-known international scientists as invited speakers. The 2008 edition will continue to strive to achieve the high standards that participants have come to expect of this Symposium.


General Chair

Lionel Torres

LIRMM, Montpellier, France

University of Montpellier/CNRS

General Co-Chair

Amar Mukherjee

University of Central Florida, USA

Program Chair

Ian OConnor

Ecole Centrale de Lyon

INL, Lyon, France

Program Co-Chair

Asim Smailagic

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Publicity Chair (Europe)

Reiner Hartenstein

TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Publicity Chair (USA)

Don Bouldin

University of Tennessee, USA

Local Chair

Pascal Benoit

LIRMM, Montpellier, France

University of Montpellier/CNRS

Diamond 2008: Call for Papers Deadline - 7 March 2008

all for Papers: Diamond 2008

7-11 September 2008 • Sitges, Spain



Submit abstracts now for Diamond 2008

Please remember that the deadline for submission of abstracts at the 19th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides is Friday 7 March 2008.

Contributions are invited for oral and poster presentation on the following topics:

  • Growth and processing technologies
  • Characterisation
  • Electronic and optoelectronic properties, applications and devices
  • Mechanical and thermal properties and applications
  • Electrochemistry and biological activity
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Diamond-like carbon
  • III-Nitrides
Please submit abstracts online at www.diamond-conference.elsevier.com


The following experts have agreed to speak at the conference:

James Butler, Naval Research Labs, USA
- Growth mechanisms of diamond revisited

John Foord, Oxford University, UK
- Electrochemistry of diamond surfaces

Masataka Hasegawa, AIST, Japan
- Low temperature growth of nano-diamond

Russell Hemley, Carnegie Institute, USA
- High growth rate diamond

Dean Ho, North Western University, USA
- Drug delivery by nanodiamond

Anke Krueger, University of Kiel, Germany
- Functionalisation of nanodiamond surfaces

Christoph Nebel, AIST, Japan
- Bio-sensors from diamond

Eiji Osawa, Shinshu University, Japan
- Recent progress in nanodiamond

Atsuhito Sawabe, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
- Progress in hetero-epitaxial growth of diamond

Thomas Seyller, University of Erlangen, Germany
- Production and electronic structure of graphene

François Silva, University Paris 13, France
- High quality homoepitaxial diamond growth

Wenjun Zhang, City University of Hong Kong, China
- Growth, nano-structuring and properties of cBN films

Diamond 2008 is organised by Elsevier in association with Diamond & Related Materials.

For further information and to request a copy of the final programme brochure visit: www.diamond-conference.elsevier.com or contact em.white@elsevier.com.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

IEEE SENSORS 2008 in Italy - Submissions due 31 March


The IEEE SENSORS 2008 conference is scheduled to be held October 26 to October 29, 2008 in Lecce, Italy.

Abstracts are due 31 March 2008.  The call-for-papers can be found at

The Abstract Submission website is open at

If you have a question that is not answered on the conference website, feel free to contact Katharine Cline, Conference Manager, at info@ieee-sensors2008.org or +1-619-232-9499.

IEEE SENSORS 2008 is sponsored by the IEEE Sensors Council.
For information, about other Sensors Council activities, especially
the IEEE Sensors Journal, please visit www.ieee.org/sensors