Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Practical Statistics with Minitab

Minitab News - Resources, Updates, Information
January 2008
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> Ask the Expert
> Letters to the Editor
> Events
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Hello Rodrigo,

Welcome to the first Minitab News of 2008, and may we take this opportunity to wish you a happy, prosperous and successful year!

To read Minitab News online, please visit: Minitab News

Investigate the Factors that Affect your Bottom Line

Many factors can influence the quality of a product or service. But sometimes the interaction of those factors can too, even when they don't affect it separately. Minitab Statistical Software's Line Plot is a powerful tool you can use to help you visualise interactions between your factors and evaluate differences in response profiles.

Learn how by reading Minitab's Line Plot

With just a few groups...
The focus is on finding interaction effects. Here, a paint company looking to improve the performance of its products begins its investigation with a line plot that finds a strong interaction between spray paint formulation and the pressure at which it's applied.

An interaction is present where the lines are not parallel
Award Winners Use Minitab

Minitab Statistical Software customers dominated the list of winners of two recent quality improvement awards.

Learn more about the winners

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Our Products

Minitab 15 Statistical Software

Quality Trainer by Minitab

Training by Minitab

Quality Companion by Minitab

Technical Support by Minitab


Tech Tips
Each month we feature three new FAQs, visit our Answers Knowledgebase for hundreds of additional tips and tricks of shortcuts and time-saving features.

Minitab 15

Where can I find information about the adjusted method used for Stat > Basic Statistics > One Variance?

>> Answer

Minitab 15

How can I calculate confidence intervals for capability statistics?

>> Answer

Quality Companion 2

How can individuals view Quality Companion projects (*.QCP, *.QCF) if they have not purchased the software?

>> Answer

Please don't forget that if you experience any difficulties with using Minitab you can e-mail our Technical Support Team or call +44 (0)24 7643 7507. This service is free of charge to all our registered users.

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Ask the Expert
"Can I order one multi-user licence of Minitab or Quality Companion and use it at multiple locations within my organisation?"

Why not send us your questions, our technical experts are qualified statisticians. They are equipped to offer help with the software and also the theory behind it. E-mail our Marketing Team with your questions and we can display the answers in the next issue of Minitab News.

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Letters to the Editor - voice your views
"After being on the training course and using the evaluation version of Minitab I finally managed to persuade my boss to order version 15 and have had great success with it. As a supplier to the automotive industry we need to be able to prove the reliability and integrity of our systems and processes and Minitab's suite of functions has been perfect for the job so far. I've also been in touch with Minitab's Technical Support service and have been very impressed with their prompt responses."

Colin Scotland, Test Engineer, Micronas Ltd

If you want to have your say, and would like the chance to share your views and comments about your experiences on quality improvement issues, data analysis or even using Minitab, send your letters to: Letters to the editor, Minitab Limited, Unit E1-E2 Brandon Court, Progress Way, Coventry, CV3 2TE. Alternatively e-mail our Marketing Team. We look forward to hearing your views.

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Minitab representatives will be available at the events and tradeshows listed below. Join us to learn more about the solutions we offer quality professionals and teachers.

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Training by Minitab™
Practical Training Options

On-site - Bring the Minitab expertise you need to your company and save money and travel time.

Online - Subscribe to our e-learning service and refresh your statistical skills at your own pace and in your own time.

Public Training - Minitab public training is designed to help you and your organisation improve quality by teaching you how to make effective business decisions based on data. The next available public training session for 2008 takes place on:
  • February 4 - 7, 2008 - 4-Day Manufacturing course covering: Introduction to Minitab, Basic Statistics, Statistical Quality Analysis and Factorial Designs.
  • February 25 - 27, 2008 - 3-Day course looking at how to use and customise Quality Companion.
Places are limited so to avoid missing out book your places now! Contact our Training Team on +44 (0)24 7643 7550 for more information.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

IEEE ICCSC 2008: Call for Participation!

IEEE International Conference on Circuits & Systems for Communications
Shanghai, China
Radisson Hotel Shanghai New World
26-28 May 2008
Call for Participation!

Co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society,
IEEE ICCSC will have 230 papers plus distinguished keynote addresses on the many technologies
and implementations supporting multimedia wireless communication. 
The conference follows IEEE ICC 08 (Beijing) and offers an opportunity to experience the
technical and business atmosphere of Shanghai -- China's leading commercial city. 
Reserve a hotel room by 28 February 2008 to receive the discounted conference rate. 
Advance registration for the conference is available until 30 April 2008.

Click here to Register for ICCSC 2008
Click here to make your Hotel Reservation

Friday, January 25, 2008


The 2008 International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE 2008) will be held in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) on June 16-19 2008. The conference will take place in the Auditorium in the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven.

The ICOE conference was created by means of the European Integrated Project called PolyApply, one of the major projects about organic electronics. It has become one of the main conferences on organic electronics.

ICOE covers all aspects of organic electronics including Materials and Chemistry, OTFTs, OLED, PV devices, device modeling, organic circuits and circuit design, manufacture as well as their inclusion in systems. Therefore, it can be a good conference to present papers about compact models of organic devices, since many organic circuit designers may attend ICOE.

The deadline for a 1-or 2-page abstract submission is February 1 2008.

The Conference Chair is Professor Bill Eccleston, from the University of Liverpool.

Eidhoven is a very interesting city to visit, especially those dates in June 2008...You will see the impressive atmosphere in The Netherlands during the EURO Cup 2008 Football Championship. I recommend to watch in a pub the mantch Netherlands vs Romania on June 17...


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Extended deadline for ICCDCS'08

An extended deadline has been announced for ICCDCS, until february, 4. The Seventh International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ICCDCS 2008, which will be held in Cancún, México, April 28-30. This conference will be preceded by an IEEE EDS Mini-Colloquium, on Sunday April 27. More information can be found on the conference's web pages or in the call for papers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New technical T&M Web Seminar: "Smart" TDDB Algorithm for Automated Monitoring of Gate Dielectric






"Smart" TDDB Algorithm for Investigating Degradation in High-k Gate
Stacks under Constant Voltage Stress.


Seminar Content

This seminar describes a new "smart" algorithm developed for automatic
monitoring of gate dielectric during Constant Voltage Sweep
stressing with interlaced characterization using Stress Induced
Leakage Current (SILC). In this approach, SILC data is collected
automatically based on changes in measured stress current, and/or time
intervals. This fully automated test was implemented using
the Keithley 2600 Series SourceMeter, and applied to study degradation
of the transistor TiN/HfO2 gate stacks.

About the Presenter:

Chadwin D. Young received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1996 and his M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in
1998 and 2004, respectively. His Ph.D. dissertation was on
high-κ gate stacks. Since 2001, he has been with SEMATECH Inc.,
Austin, where he is currently a Project Engineer working on
electrical characterization and reliability methodologies for the
evaluation of high-k gate stacks. Dr. Young is currently a Guest
Editor for IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability.

This seminar is well suited for:

* Semiconductor device engineers and physicists

* Process development Engineers

* Electrical Characterization and reliability engineers

* Technology Development lab managers

This informative 60-minute technical seminar includes interactive Q&A
(Questions and Answers; during live broadcast only).

When is it?

Europe: Tuesday, January 29, 2008

15:00 Central European Time

(UTC/GMT: 14:00)

How Do I Register?

There is NO CHARGE for you to participate in this important industry

The seminar will be broadcasted over the internet and requires your
registration prior to the event.

To register for this webcast seminar click here.,l=19309623

Please forward this invitation to any colleagues

who might be interested in this free seminar!

Thank you for your time! We look forward to your attendance!


ECS Cosponsored Meeting - 2nd Request - Call for Papers - Symposium on Polymers 2008

ECS Cosponsored Meeting - 2nd Request - Call for Papers - Symposium on
Polymers 2008

Dear Professional Colleague,

You are cordially invited to submit an Abstract for the 13th
Meeting of the Symposium on Polymers to be held May 7 - 9, 2008.
This meeting will take place at the picturesque Winterthur
Museum and Gardens in Wilmington, Delaware. The Symposium on
Polymers has grown to become one of the most comprehensive
technical meetings related to the processing and
implementation of polyimides and new polymeric films for
advanced microelectronic applications. This meeting is
sponsored by HD MicroSystems, The Electrochemical Society,
FUJIFILM Electronic Materials U.S.A., Inc., and JSR Micro, Inc.


"Advanced Packaging Requirements for Next Generation Processors"
Dr. Raj Master, AMD

"3-D Integration"
Dr. John Knickerbocker, IBM

"Polymer Dielectric Requirements for High Off-Chip Bandwidth"
Dr. Paul Kohl, Georgia Institute of Technology

Please visit the Symposium on Polymers website for more
information and instructions to submit an abstract.[1]

The Symposium on Polymers Technical Program Board



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Seventh International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems

Wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous New Year, I would like to remind you about the Seventh International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ICCDCS 2008, which will be held in Cancún, México, April 28-30. This conference will be preceded by an IEEE EDS Mini-Colloquium, on Sunday April 27. More information can be found on the conference's web pages or in the call for papers.

IEEE SIES 2008 - Montpellier, France - June 11 - 13 - Call for Papers

| SIES'2008 |
| IEEE Third Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems |
| June 11- 13, 2008 |
| Montpellier - La Grande Motte, FRANCE |
Conference web site:


Sponsored by:
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
LIRMM CNRS/University of Montpellier II

The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers and practitioners
from industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on
recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as
well as initiatives related to embedded systems and their applications in a
variety of industrial environments.

Application domains have had a considerable impact on the evolution of
embedded systems, in terms of required methodologies and supporting tools
and resulting technologies. SoCs and SoPC are slowly making inroads into the
area of industrial automation to implement complex field-area intelligent
devices which integrate the intelligent sensor/actuator functionality by
providing on-chip signal conversion, data processing, and communication
functions. There is a growing tendency to network field-area intelligent
devices around industrial type of communication networks. Similar trends
appear in the automotive electronic systems where the Electronic Control
Units, typically implemented as heterogeneous system-on-chip, are networked
by means of one safety-critical communication protocol. The design of this
kind of networked embedded systems (this includes also hard real-time
industrial control systems) is a challenge in itself due to the distributed
nature of processing elements, sharing common communication medium, and
safety-critical requirements, to mention some.

Topics within the scope of the symposium will include, but are not limited
-Embedded Systems
-System-on-Chip and Network-on-Chip Design & Testing
-Networked Embedded Systems
-Embedded Applications
-Multi-Processors Systems-on-Chips
-Sensors networks and ubiquitous computing
-Application of Reconfigurable and Adaptive Systems
-Automotive / Avionics systems
-Fault-tolerant embedded systems and applications

- Long Papers - limited to 8 double column pages.
- Industry Practice (IP)– limited to 8 double column pages.
- Work-in-Progress (WIP)– limited to 4 double column pages.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format, according to the
instructions contained in the Symposium web site.

Deadline for submission of proposals for long papers: Jan 18, 2008
Notification of acceptance for long papers: Mar 4, 2008
Final manuscripts for long papers submission: Apr 1, 2008

Deadline for WIP and IP papers: Mar 7, 2008
Notification of acceptance of WIP and IP papers: Apr 4, 2008
Final manuscripts of WIP & IP papers submission: Apr 14, 2008

To enhance the technical program and focus on specific topics and areas, the
SIES'2008 Symposium will include special sessions, in addition to regular
ones. Special sessions can cover subjects or cross-subjects belonging to the
topics of interest, or novel topics related with the ones identified within
the topics of interest. Special sessions can also have the drive from
specific R&D projects or clusters of projects, namely EU-sponsored R&D

General Co-Chairs:
Luis Gomes, Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT
Gilles Sassatelli, LIRMM, CNRS/Univ. Montpellier 2, FR

Program Co-Chairs:
Leandro Indrusiak, Tech. Univ. Darmstadt, DE
Nicolas Navet, LORIA, FR

Work in Progress Co-Chairs:
Luis Almeida, Univ. Aveir, PT
Josep M. Guerrero, UPC, ES

Industry Liaison Committee:
Joao Miguel Fernandes (chair) Univ. Minho PT
Andrea Andenna, ABB Corporate Research, SE
Armando Walter Colombo, Schneider Electric, DE
Jean-Michel Daga, ATMEL Rousset, FR
Vladimir Oplustil, UNIS, CZ
Jean-Pierre Schoellkopf, STM Grenoble, FR

Finance Chair:
Pascal Benoit, LIRMM, FR

International Advisory Committee:
Richard Zurawski, ISA Group, USA (chair)
Marian Adamski, Univ. Zielona Gora, PL
Charles Andre, I3S/UNSA , FR
Juergen Becker, University of Karlsruhe, DE
Giuseppe Buja, University of Padova, IT
Mo-Yuen Chow, North Carolina State University, USA
Carlos Couto, University of Minho, PT
Paul Drews, APS-European Centre for Mechatronics, DE
Leopoldo Franquelo, Universidad de Sevilla, ES
J. David Irwin, Auburn University, USA
Karel Jezernik, Uni. Maribor, SL
Grant Martin, Tensilica, USA
Juan Pimentel, Kettering University, USA
Bogdan Wilamowski Auburn University USA
Francoise Simonot-Lion, LORIA, FR
P. S. Thiagarajan, National Univ. of Singapore, SG
Lionel Torres, LIRMM, FR
Bogdan Wilamowski Auburn University USA
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, CA
Jing Bing Zhang, SIMTech, SG

Publicity Committee:
Luis Almeida, Univ. Aveiro ,PT
Ricardo Machado, Univ. Minho, PT
José Carlos Metrôlho, I.P.Castelo Branco ,PT
Christer Norstrom, Mälardalen University, SE
Chi-Sheng Shih, National Taiwan University, TW

SIES Series Steering Committee:
Luis Gomes, Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT (chair)
Eric Dekneuvel, I3S/UNSA , FR
James C. Hung, Univ. of Tennessee, USA
Richard Zurawski, ISA Group., USA

IES Information Technology Liaison
Antonio Luque Estepa, Universidad de Sevilla, ES

Publication Chair
Alberto Bosio, LIRMM, FR

Local Organizing Committee
Gilles Sassatelli, LIRMM, FR
Pascal Benoit, LIRMM, FR
Lionel Torres, LIRMM, FR
Nicolas Saint-Jean, LIRMM, FR
Olivier Brousse, LIRMM, FR
Michel Robert, LIRMM, FR
Alberto Bosio, LIRMM, FR

Technical Program Committee
Peter Palensky, TU Wien, AU
Paulo Maciel, Federal University of Pernambuco, BR
Paulo E. Miyagi, University of Sao Paulo, BR
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Univ. Fed. Rio Grande do Sul, BR
Angelo Perkusich, Federal University of Campina Grande, BR
José Lastra, Tampere University of Technology, FI
Fabrice Muller, I3S UNSA, FR
Marek Wegrzyn, Univ. Zielona Gora, PL
Joao Paulo Barros, I.P.Beja, PT
António Ferrari, Universidade de Aveiro, PT
Valery Sklyarov, Universidade de Aveiro, PT
Joao Cardoso, Instituto Superior Técnico, PT
Carlos Cardeira, Instituto Superior Técnico, PT
Horácio Neto, Instituto Superior Técnico, PT
Luis Bernardo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT
João Goes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT
Zili Shao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK
Alfredo Rosado Muñoz, Universitat de València, ES
Juan-Jose Rodriguez-Andina, Univ. Vigo, ES
Sandeep Shukla, Virginia Tech, USA
Ricardo Machado, Universidade do Minho, PT
Berhnard Schätz, T.U. Munich, DE
Thomas Nolte, MRTC Mälardalen, SE
Chi-Sheng Shih, National Taiwan University, TW
Gianluca Cena, IEIIT-CNR, IT
Anshul Kumar, IIT New-Delhi, IN
Wolfgang A. Halang, FernUniversität Hagen, DE
Jiman Hong, Kwangwoon University, KR
Chin-Long Wey, National Central University Taiwan, TW
Jeen G. Khor, Intel Malaysia Communications Design Center, MY
Sébastien Faucou, Irccyn, FR
Liliana Cucu, Loria, FR
Fernando Moraes, PUCRS, BR
Ian O'Connor, EC Lyon, FR
Luigi Carro, UFRGS, BR
Tanguy Risset, INRIA / ENS Lyon, FR
Falk Salewski, RWTH Aachen University, DE
Laurent George, ECE, FR
Dieter Zöbel, Univ. Koblenz-Landau, DE
Elvinia Riccobene, University of Milan, IT
José Alberto Fonseca, University of Aveiro, PT
Martin Horauer, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, AU
José Barata, Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT
Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, TW
Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, IT
Shashi Kumar, Jönköping University, SE
Tiberiu Seceleanu, ABB Corporate Research, SE
Peeter Ellervee, Tallinn University of Technology, ET
Adam Pawlak, Silesian University of Technology, PL
Jan Madsen, Technical University of Denmark, DK
Ingo Sander, Royal Institute of Technology, SE
Eduardo de la Torre, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES
Christophe Bobda, University of Potsdam, DE
Bartolomeo Montrucchio, Politecnico di Torino, IT
Kim Sandström, Nokia Research, FI
Achim Rettberg, University of Paderborn, DE
Kenneth Kent, University of New Brunswick, CA
Patrick Schaumont, Virginia Tech, USA
Cesar Ortega-Sanchez, Curtin University of Technology, AUS
Ricardo Jacobi, University of Brasilia, BR
Christoph Grimm, TU Wien, AU
Sofiène Tahar, Concordia University, CA
Michael Huebner, University of Karlsruhe, DE
Jari Nurmi, Tampere University of Technology, FI
Edgar Nett, University of Magdeburg, DE
Enrico Vicario, University of Florence, IT
Iain Bate, University of York, UK
Marisol Garcia-Valls, University Carlos 3 of Madrid, ES
Paulo Pedreiras, University of Aveiro, PT
Arnaldo Oliveira, University of Aveiro, PT
Sergio Yovine, IMAG, FR
Stefan M. Petters, University of New South Wales, AUS
Marco di Natale, santAnna school of advanced studies, IT
Zdenek Hanzalek, Czech Technical University of Prague, CZ
Francoise Simonot-Lion, LORIA, FR
P. S. Thiagarajan, National University of Singapore, SG
Charles Andre, I3S/UNSA, FR

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

13th Symposium on Polymers

The thirteenth meeting of the Symposium on Polymers will be held on May 7th, 8th and 9th of 2008.  The Symposium on Polymers has grown to become one of the most comprehensive technical meetings related to the processing and implementation of polyimides and new polymeric films for advanced microelectronic applications.  This meeting is sponsored by HD MicroSystems LLC, The Electrochemical Society, FUJIFILM Electronic Materials U.S.A., Inc., and JSR Micro, Inc.

TheSymposium on Polymers is held on the grounds of the Winterthur Museum and Gardens in the outlying countryside of Wilmington, Delaware.  This picturesque setting of rolling hills and forests provides a relaxed, intimate setting for the meeting.  The main symposium sessions will be held in the Copeland Lecture Hall in a workshop-like format.  As with prior meetings, ample time will be allotted during breaks and lunch for informal discussions. The symposium poster session, exhibits and a formal dinner for all participants will be held at the DuPont Country Club in nearby Rockland, Delaware.

The program board is soliciting presentations in the following technology areas:

  • Integration of New Polymeric Materials in Microelectronics
  • Processing of Polymer Thin Films
  • New Polymer Materials Technology
  • Structure Property Relationships and Modeling of Polymeric Materials
  • New Polymer Applications



The Symposium on Polymers
for Microelectronics at Winterthur


The Symposium on Polymers has been held every 2 years since it was first established in 1988.  The Charter has remained the same: To provide an intimate forum for the exchange of technical information and innovations for the use of thin-film polymeric materials in contemporary microelectronic and new application areas, with a strong emphasis on processing.  The Technical Program Board is pleased to announce the following keynote speakers and topics to be presented at the symposium: 



"Advanced Packaging Requirements for Next Generation Processors"
Dr. Raj Master, AMD

"3-D Integration"
Dr. John Knickerbocker, IBM

"Polymer Dielectric Requirements for High Off-Chip Bandwidth"
Dr. Paul Kohl, Georgia Institute of Technology


Séminaire annuel de l'OMNT

MNT - séminaire nanotechnologies, seminaires, CEA, omnt, nanotechnologie, conferences, conference, Minatec : Pole d'Innovation en Micro et nano technologies. MINATEC, CEA Leti, INPG,Grenoble, France

des micro & nanotechnologies

Séminaire annuel, 7 février 2008, Paris

Cette journée est parrainée par logo emertec

Dans un mois, soyez présent au rendez-vous de tous les acteurs des Micro et NanoTechnologies !
Cet événement unique - fruit du travail collectif des 250 experts de l'OMNT - propose la synthèse des avancées ou des tendances majeures dans chacune des thématiques de l'Observatoire. Dans leurs exposés, conçus pour être accessibles au plus grand nombre, les orateurs détailleront les aspects scientifiques et techniques des différents sujets et en souligneront les dimensions économiques.
En une journée, faites le point sur les Micro & NanoTechnologies!

Programme définitif:

Nanoparticules, nanomatériaux, effets sur la santé et l'environnement :
Effets des nanoparticules sur la santé, état des connaissances et enjeux de la "nanotoxicologie";
Etat des lieux des effets des nanoparticules sur l'environnement;
Microsources d'énergie : Thermo-électricité: les nanotechnologies soufflent le chaud et le froid;
Nanoconstruction : Observer et manipuler une molécule ou un nano-objet unique;
Electronique Moléculaire : Les dernières avancées;
Electronique Organique : Les OLEDS pour l'éclairage, technologies et perspectives industrielles;
Matériaux et composants pour l'optique : Matériaux nanostructurés: nouvelles avancées;
Nanosystèmes électromécaniques (NEMS) : Bottom up et top down: rendez-vous aux NEMS;
Instrumentation pour la biologie : L'émergence de la nanofluidique.
Consultez le programme détaillé

Pour vous inscrire, cliquez ici

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Webcast: Simulation Solutions to Electronics Thermal Management

To view this email as a web page, go here

IEEE Spectrum Online

Where Today's
Technology Gurus Converge

Find out what's REALLY happening in today's hottest technology fields at the IEEE Spectrum Tech Insiders Webinar Series. World-class industry leaders will deliver presentations on important technology developments and get into the technical nitty-gritty. Question panelists directly during the live Q&A - right from your desktop.

» About IEEE Spectrum Online

IEEE Spectrum Online is the digital version of the flagship publication of the IEEE. It is a trusted source for technology innovators, business leaders, and the intellectually curious.

IEEE Spectrum Online draws technology professionals and senior executives worldwide in the high technology sectors of industry, government and academia, as well as engineering managers and corporate and financial executives.

Exclusive news stories, Webinars, blogs, and audio podcasts on emerging technologies can also be found on IEEE Spectrum Online.

Make sure to bookmark and visit often to learn about the latest in technology, science, and engineering.

The Brightest Minds Discussing
the Biggest Topics

IEEE Spectrum Tech Insiders Webinar: 
Simulation Solutions to Electronics Thermal Management
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT / 19:00 GMT (Duration: 1 hour)

Looking for a better engineering simulation solution to predict how your product designs will behave in manufacturing and real-world environments? Increasingly, companies are turning to innovative, integrated, modular, and extensible solutions that address designs and applications.

Learn from industry experts about thermal management by predicting air flow and heat transfer from the component to the cabinet level. Discussion will focus on thermal management using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) for package, board and system level electronics. The presentation will also include a demo of real-world simulation solutions through a series of examples of electronics cooling.

Who should attend:

  • Package Designers
  • Semiconductor/Component Designers
  • Mechanical Engineers/Designers
  • MEMS Designers
  • Thermal Engineers
  • Board Layout Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Engineering Management

Series Moderator: Ron Schneiderman
Author, The Mobile Technology Question & Answer Book – A Survival Guide for Business Managers and Technology Lost – Hype and Reality in the Digital Age
Contributing editor, Electronic Design and Vision magazines
Founding editor, Wireless Systems Design magazine

Fadi Ben Achour,
Director of Industry Marketing for Electronics, ANSYS
Manoj Nagulapally, Project Manager, ANSYS

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Other Webinars in the
IEEE Spectrum Tech Insiders Series

Low-Cost Testing in Next Generation Test & Measurement Markets
7 February 2008
The demand for lower-cost and more functionality in mobile communications and how RF testing is evolving to accommodate higher levels of integration with new, more complex, wireless devices and systems-on-a-chip (SoC).

WiMAX: Ready for Prime Time (Available on demand) (December 2007)
Learn from industry experts about thermal management using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) for package, board and system level electronics..

Latest Advances in Ultra-Accurate Temperature Measurement Design (Available on demand) (November 2007)
Learn from industry specialists about important analog design considerations for creating highly accurate temperature measurement solutions in the automotive, energy, biotech, manufacturing, aerospace, R&D, and other industry sectors.

Data Collection in Today's Healthcare Environment (Available on demand) (November 2007)
Learn from industry experts how OEMs are integrating data collection technology into their new products.

Portable Designs with High-Power Batteries and Chargers (Available on demand) (November 2007)
New high-power batteries support pulses over 100 amps, enabling many new portable applications. Learn about design considerations, guidelines, and enhancements that harness the power produced by these batteries.

Biomed Looks for High-Tech Solutions (Available on demand) (October 2007)
Expertise in medical imaging and diagnostics is helping clinicians re-imagine new ways to predict, diagnose, monitor, and treat disease.


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