Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New technical T&M Web Seminar: "Smart" TDDB Algorithm for Automated Monitoring of Gate Dielectric






"Smart" TDDB Algorithm for Investigating Degradation in High-k Gate
Stacks under Constant Voltage Stress.


Seminar Content

This seminar describes a new "smart" algorithm developed for automatic
monitoring of gate dielectric during Constant Voltage Sweep
stressing with interlaced characterization using Stress Induced
Leakage Current (SILC). In this approach, SILC data is collected
automatically based on changes in measured stress current, and/or time
intervals. This fully automated test was implemented using
the Keithley 2600 Series SourceMeter, and applied to study degradation
of the transistor TiN/HfO2 gate stacks.

About the Presenter:

Chadwin D. Young received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1996 and his M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in
1998 and 2004, respectively. His Ph.D. dissertation was on
high-κ gate stacks. Since 2001, he has been with SEMATECH Inc.,
Austin, where he is currently a Project Engineer working on
electrical characterization and reliability methodologies for the
evaluation of high-k gate stacks. Dr. Young is currently a Guest
Editor for IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability.

This seminar is well suited for:

* Semiconductor device engineers and physicists

* Process development Engineers

* Electrical Characterization and reliability engineers

* Technology Development lab managers

This informative 60-minute technical seminar includes interactive Q&A
(Questions and Answers; during live broadcast only).

When is it?

Europe: Tuesday, January 29, 2008

15:00 Central European Time

(UTC/GMT: 14:00)

How Do I Register?

There is NO CHARGE for you to participate in this important industry

The seminar will be broadcasted over the internet and requires your
registration prior to the event.

To register for this webcast seminar click here.


Please forward this invitation to any colleagues

who might be interested in this free seminar!

Thank you for your time! We look forward to your attendance!


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